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4.2kWp Solar Array on Residential Fleetville Roof

Check out our latest installation, this time in the Fleetville area of St Albans.

🌿 ⚡ The customer wanted a solar system in order to be more green and to cut her electricity cost.

🌞 ⬛ The design involved installing 10 x JA Solar 420Wp (4.2kWp) panels across two roof orientations (South and East), with the Goodwe ES G2 3.68kW inverter being a good choice with it’s 2 x MPPTs and low start up voltage allowing for the smaller East-facing array to generate early morning power.

🏠 🚗 The inverter and 5.4kWh battery were installed on a small wall space in the garage so to be protected from the elements, with cabling neatly hidden using matching white trunking.

🔝 🏠 On-roof solar mounting system by Renusol was used together with pigeon protection and rubber tiles under the roof hooks to avoid fragile plain tile breakages. Special thanks to Andy at DEKS for getting us one of their soon-to-be-launched TileFlash rubber tiles that both cushion the roof hook and enable solar cables to be brought into the attic space - great piece of kit!

✅ ✅ ✅ MCS and all other necessary approvals completed and now just waiting on the Octopus Flux tariff to start before programming battery charge and discharge to grid to maximise her savings.

If you are in the St Albans or surrounding area and considering solar energy for your home, we would love to hear from you!

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